Wednesday, December 21, 2011


My niece is getting some lovely new Barbie clothes for Christmas.  She is 5 so she needs clothes that are easy to put on and take off.  So I googled free Barbie clothes patterns, printed the patterns and cut out some fabric scraps.

I have never sewn something so small and fiddly before... it was extremely satisfying to complete, but it's not the neatest job I've ever done.  At some stage I will need to make some outfits for my girls' Barbies, but that means 4 sets.  I think I'll have a break from Barbie outfits for a while!

1 comment:

  1. these are really cute. I'm doing the same think for my 5.5 yr old.The clothing is so expensive and the seams rip after use anyways- i might as well just make her a few things right? Thanks for sharing!

    The Life Of A Compulsive Crafter
