Wednesday, October 7, 2009


In an attempt to organise my life, I decided to tackle something from my 'projects I'd like to make list' even though my 'current projects' list isn't getting much shorter. I had a go at the fabric box tutorial I found at this link but I made mine MUCH BIGGER as I wanted something for in the car [4 kids & all the stuff I need to have 'just in case' means my car is a second home sometimes].
I like to have a spare set of clothes, emergency nappy changing supplies, raincoats, picnic blanket, wipes, books with CD's, a toy or two, something for me to read, pen/pencil, knee rugs +/- a small pillow or two as well as the pram & whatever we have with us for that outing.

I'm hoping this will help to keep some of the above from rolling about in my car, escaping from under seats, etc.

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